01 / The Project

Bloca Tool

The Scope

Bloca Tool is a platform that allows the user to have a bot that collects information from different NFT collection marketplaces and makes purchases automatically based on the pre-settings that the user assigns to their bot

Why did we build this?

The purchase and sale of NFT's is manual, the objective of Bloca Tool is to offer a service that automates this process to promote greater profitability and agility in the operations carried out.

What were my contributions?

In this project I was responsible for rebuilding the client's previous design, improving the UI and UX parameters and after completing this stage I carried out the front-end development of the project and supported the BackEnd integrations.

02 / Tecnologies

React Next.Js TypeScript MUI Emotion CSS Chart.JS MetaMask Wallet

Whales Dashboard

At the beginning of this section we have the movement graph of the "Whales" in the NFT market, recording whether they are buying or selling more.

Whales Activity

After the graphs above, we have records of buying and selling activity for NFTs, as well as a detailed presentation on buying and selling potential.

Mint Bot

Task definition form for the market analysis bot.

Bid Bot

Defines a specific collection for the bot to analyze.

Dark and light theme

Example of dark and light theme.